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    Engaging clients with interactive workshops.

  • 1 Quote Entrepreneur

    Unsollicited Testimonial.

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    Public presentations reaching out to multi displinary audiences.

  • 2 Quote Technical Manager

    Unsollicited Testimonial.

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    On-site training programs.

  • 3 Quote Designer

    Unsollicited Testimonial.

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    Providing client services beyond expectations.

  • 4 Quote Corporate Client

    Unsollicited Testimonial.

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    Supporting artistic clients of all ages.

  • 5 Quote Business Client

    Unsollicited Testimonial.

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    Helping others define and achieve their dreams.

  • 6 Quote Performing Artist

    Unsollicited Testimonial.

You are here: HomePhilosophyOur Philosophy

Our Philosophy

Sustainability as a Career Strategy

The “sustainability” movement’s focus on energy conservation, recycling and responsible stewardship of resources actually has relevance for career planning.   Because success at work requires a great deal of energy, sustaining careers –  like sustaining the ecology of our planet – requires recognition of our personal energy resources and consideration of their use, renewal and re-purposing.   That idea inspired the work and name of my company.

Mining our Energy Resources

So, what are these personal energy resources?   I’ve found those “natural resources” are our intrinsic interests, motivations, talents, dreams and passions.  Engaging in work that involves skills we enjoy using in our own unique style, harnesses our inherent energies and gives us the strength and resilience, fitness and fortitude to keep moving forward – our sustainable advantage in an ever-changing, world.    

The Key to Our Competitive Advantage

Feeling energized at work yields on-going, top-quality performance.  Being merely content at work is not enough.   Keen interest and motivation become catalysts for drive, sharper mental focus and the effort needed to “think outside the box”.  They promote, not only, results, but creativity and innovation – the noted critical, valuable qualities for the 21st Century.  The energy that fuels our vitality and imagination is re-generative for us and can even become transferrable or renewable energy for others who feed off that “power” and get “charged” themselves.   

Make it Happen!

If you’re not sure what sparks your energy or how to harness it for your career, consider meeting with me -- or another career specialist.  As with the environmental movement, the investment of time and money can yield new alternatives and empowering results.  I’ve watched clients embrace (with energy and enthusiasm)* the insights from our work together, their new plans for the future, and then move forward into meaningful, sustainable careers.   It’s time!  

*Be sure to check out Testimonials

The work one does is always in the service of others -- meeting the needs of others. I encourage everyone to make their career their own unique creative expression.



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