• Slide1

    Engaging clients with interactive workshops.

  • 1 Quote Entrepreneur

    Unsollicited Testimonial.

  • slide2

    Public presentations reaching out to multi displinary audiences.

  • 2 Quote Technical Manager

    Unsollicited Testimonial.

  • slide3

    On-site training programs.

  • 3 Quote Designer

    Unsollicited Testimonial.

  • slide4

    Providing client services beyond expectations.

  • 4 Quote Corporate Client

    Unsollicited Testimonial.

  • slide5

    Supporting artistic clients of all ages.

  • 5 Quote Business Client

    Unsollicited Testimonial.

  • slide6

    Helping others define and achieve their dreams.

  • 6 Quote Performing Artist

    Unsollicited Testimonial.

You are here: HomeExperience

Experience Record

Coaching & Counseling 

  • Guide clients through every aspect of career planning and development (i.e. assessment, occupational research and exploration, networking and informational interviewing, career goal setting, resume writing, self-promotion, job interviewing, salary negotiation and career management.
  • Skilled at administering and interpreting a wide variety of assessment tools and inventories.
  • Over twelve years with award-winning career centers at two Fortune 100 companies.
  • Coached and counseled broad and diverse employee populations, addressed specific individual needs, promoted career self-reliance and aligned employee development with corporate goals. 
  • Helped clients identify, understand and respond to the paradigm shift inherent in the new global, high-tech age.
  • Coached clients through managing individual, team and organizational politics; and tailoring professional development and career goal setting in light of organizational trends.
  • Applied effective models, techniques, and theories when coaching/counseling hundreds of corporate clients at every level and in varied functional areas within organizations.
  • Incorporated feedback systems (360 degree and 180 degree) when coaching executives and leaders, and facilitating intact work groups. 
  • Effectively teamed with EAP and HR departments, with client’s consent, to resolve complex employee-management conflicts that threatened client’s career path and prospects.

Corporate Training & Facilitation

  • Developed and presented workshops and briefings regarding strategies for self-management, career planning and leadership development.
  • Designed and facilitated a “Leader as Coach” corporate program.
  • Intervened with work groups to advance individual and team performance toward organizational goals employing objective-setting and competency-based assessment practices. 
  • Organized and facilitated peer support groups for leadership development and career transitioning.
  • Opened opportunities for professional growth and advancement through rotation and apprentice programs.

Project Planning & Management

  • Managed every aspect of the planning, creating, staffing and opening of multiple Coaching Centers in high-tech organization.
  • Consultant-developer of a successful leadership program established to create a corporate coaching culture.
  • Created core features of a cutting-edge corporate career coaching program operating across remote sites.
  • Implemented a “grass-roots” strategy that encouraged all company employees to voluntarily use a customized, client-focused career coaching program and resource center.
  • Integrated knowledge and talent management, and mentoring initiatives into a Fortune 100 company’s career center activities and services.
  • Identified and reported trends and themes for climate sensing and retention strategizing.
  • As Regional Director for a prominant national housing-services company, established first satellite corporate office, mananged and grew regional.operations (including 13 subsidiary corporations) 250% in six years and handled every aspect of budgeting and financial management of a multi-million dollar portfolio.
  • Have handled all aspects of human resources management from recruitment and interviewing to supervision, training, performance management, career development planning, and employment termination.

Marketing & Public Relations

  • Developed comprehense marketing strategy for a corporate Career Services program.
  • Promoted internal corporate career/professional development programs via email “blasts”, intranet postings and employee briefings; staffed information booths, wrote newsletter articles and “tip sheets”, and designed brochures and websites.
  • Directed marketing campaigns, including media presentations, special events, promotional materials and give-aways, to create awareness of and participation in corporate and community programs.


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